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(701) 532-1896

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(701) 532-1896

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Free Screenings  |  Quality Care  |  Locally Owned

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Quality Care

Locally Owned

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Occupational Therapy Services

We provide pediatric occupational therapy in Moorhead, MN and surrounding areas. These services are geared towards helping children gain independence while strengthening the development of visual motor skills, fine and gross motor skills, and sensory motor skills that children need to be able to function and socialize with others.

Individualized Child Center Services

Here at Interact Therapy, we provide individualized child center services to children with various needs. We aim to work with each child to help them overcome developmental delays, achieve independence, and to meet their full potential. Our comprehensive structure is one of the reasons we're a preferred choice for pediatric occupational therapy in Moorhead, MN and surrounding areas.


Each child is unique, so we work to create treatment techniques and therapeutic programs that are specifically designed to meet the needs of each child. We also work with parents, caregivers, teachers, and healthcare practitioners to help a child function fully no matter where they are at.

pediatric occupational therapy moorhead mn

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Making an Appointment

Contact Interact Therapy via our    contact form, by emailing us at info@interact-therapy.com, or by calling 701-532-1906.
Physician referrals may be faxed to (701) 532-1896.

Wondering if your child needs an Occupational Therapy evaluation? Some common referral criteria include: birth injuries or birth defects, autism/pervasive developmental disorders, learning problems, sensory processing disorders, mental health or behavioral problems, traumatic injuries (brain or spinal cord), developmental delays, spina bifida, traumatic amputations, broken bones or other orthopedic injuries, and more.

Developmental Milestones

By 3 Months


Begins to develop a smile and imitates some movements and facial expressions.

Gross Motor

Raises head and chest when on tummy, supports upper body with arms when on tummy, and pushes into surface when their feet are placed on a firm surface.

Fine Motor

Opens and closes hands, brings their hand to mouth, and grasps things.

By 7 Months


Enjoys social interaction and is happy often.

Gross Motor

Rolls front to back and back to front, can get into sitting without assistance, and crawls forward on belly.

Fine Motor

Reaches with one hand, transfers object from hand to hand, uses raking of the hand to grasp objects, finger-feeds self.


Finds partially hidden objects and explores objects with hands and mouth.


Likes to babble.

By 12 Months


Is shy with strangers, shows preference for certain people and toys, tests parent responses to behaviors, and finger-feeds self.

Gross Motor

Crawls on hands and knees, pulls to stand, walks holding onto furniture, and takes two or three steps without support.

Fine Motor

Uses pincer grasp, bangs two objects together, puts objects into container, and releases objects voluntarily.


Explores objects in many ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping), finds hidden objects easily, and begins to use objects correctly (brushing hair, drinking from cup).


Responds to simple one-step verbal command with gestures, and understands “no.”

By 18 Months


Separation anxiety increases and begins to show defiant behavior.

Gross Motor

Walks alone and pulls toys while walking.

Fine Motor

Turns over container to pour out contents, spoons feeds, and uses open cup and sippy cup.


Imitates housework.


Responds to one step command without gesture, points to body parts, points to object or picture when named for them, and says several single words.

By 2 Years


Imitates behaviors of others particularly adults and older children, increasingly excited about company of other children, and their separation anxiety begins to fade.

Gross Motor

Carries large toy or several toys while walking, begins to run, can kick a ball, and walks up and down stairs with support.

Fine Motor

Scribbles, builds tower of 4 or more blocks, and demonstrates handedness.


Helps with undressing, can find objects hidden under multiple covers, begins to sort by shapes and colors, begins to engage in parallel play, begins make believe play.


Follows a two-step command and uses simple phrases.

By 3 Years


Imitates adults and playmates, shows affection for others, can take turns in games, expresses a wide range of emotions, and separates easily from parents.

Gross Motor

Climbs well, walks up and down stairs alternating feet, runs easily, pedals a tricycle, and can bend over without falling.

Fine Motor

Makes lines vertically, horizontally, and scribbles circles, turns pages of a book one at a time, builds a 6 block tower, holds a crayon or pencil in writing position.


Makes mechanical toys work, plays make-believe with dolls and animals, participates in cooperative play, completes inset puzzles with 3-4 pieces, undresses self, and toilet training begins.


Understands most sentences and understands placement in space (in, on, under).

By 4 Years


Interested in new experiences, plays “mom” or “dad”, and dresses and undresses.

Gross Motor

Hops and stands on one foot, goes up and down stairs without support, throws a ball overhead and can catch a bounced ball most of the time.

Fine Motor

Copies squares, draws a person with 2-4 body parts, uses scissors, draws circles and squares, and begins to copy capital letters.


Correctly names colors, understands concept of counting, begins to understand time, and understands the concept of “same” and “different.”


Has mastered some basic rules of grammar and speaks clearly enough for others to understand them.

By 5 Years


Wants to please friends, more likely to agree to rules, likes to sing, dance and act, aware of gender, and able to distinguish fantasy from reality.

Gross Motor

Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer, can hops, somersault, swing, and is beginning to skip.

Fine Motor

Copies triangle and other shapes, draws a person with a body, prints uppercase letters, cuts on line consistently, uses a fork and spoon, and cares for own toileting needs.


Can count 10 or more objects and knows about use of everyday items (food, money).


Recalls part of a story, and can use future tense.

By 6 Years


Needs to win and may change rules to suit, increasingly aware that others have feelings, shows more interest in taking care of his or her self without help, cleans his or her room, including making the bed, and likes board games, crafts and other constructive projects.

Gross Motor

Can move in time with music or a beat, very interested in climbing and balancing, takes risks, learns to skip with rope, more in control of his or her body, can bounce and catch a tennis ball.

Fine Motor

Holds a pencil with three fingers with movement from fingers, copies a diamond, draws a person with detail, writes the alphabet, ties shoelaces without help, eye-hand coordination significantly improves, masters buttons and fasteners, and can cut with a knife.


Develops reasoning skills, learn through language and logic/reasoning, and shows a strong desire to learn.


Developing reading skills well.

By 7 Years


Desires to be perfect and is quite self-critical, tends to complain and has strong emotional reactions, understands the difference between right and wrong, and can take direction well.

Gross Motor

Has good balance, executes more complicated gymnastics such as a cartwheel, and activities become more sport specific.

Fine Motor

Proficient with paper and pencil tasks and is able to organize multi-step sequences.


Able to solve more complex problems, individual learning style becomes more clear-cut, and can solve simple math problems using objects.


Uses a vocabulary of several thousand words.

Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Evaluations Will Look at the Following:

  • Gross motor skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Visual motor skills
  • Visual perceptual
  • Handwriting
  • Daily living
  • Sensory processing skills

The use of standardized assessment tools, non-standardized assessment tools, parent interviews, and clinical observations will be used to assess each child's performance. If you're looking for pediatric occupational therapy in Moorhead, MN or surrounding areas, then contact us today to get started.

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