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(701) 532-1896

Interact Therapy - Logo
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(701) 532-1896


Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration

Free Screenings  |  Quality Care  |  Locally Owned

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Quality Care

Locally Owned

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Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration

MNRI is a movement and sensory-based approach that can help children gain fine and gross motor, cognitive, speech, feeding, sensory processing, and emotional regulation skills. Children have primitive reflexes that help them develop in utero, assist with the birthing process, and gain milestones as they grow. Dysfunction in reflex development and integration can be caused by injury, disease, stress, congenital disorders, genetic conditions, or trauma. MNRI uses deep pressure, stretches, and movement-based exercises to strengthen reflex pathways in order to improve function. By integrating these primitive reflexes, children's underlying skills can improve, resulting in a burst in function in many areas of development. This is often "the missing puzzle piece" for children who have tried other types of therapy and continue to struggle. It can be used alongside other therapeutic techniques to address developmental issues from a neurological standpoint. A therapist skilled in reflex integration can evaluate your child's reflex development and provide you with a home program that will address the underlying neurological processes that will set your child up for success.

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Making an Appointment

Contact Interact Therapy via our    contact form, by emailing us at, or by calling 701-532-1906.
Physician referrals may be faxed to (701) 532-1896.

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